Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've seen it before. Or..I think I have. When you mentioned the name, I was like HEY I'VE SEEN THAT BEFORE but maybe it's only because I've heard it before. I'm not very sure T_T. Horrible long term memory. But anyway.
I was mostly freaked about the movie. I had heard before that it's really crazy. But I didn't know that  it was this extreme! I feel so bad for the real Sybil :/ Her life must have been so difficult. I remember this one episode on the TV show "Lie to Me" where this girl also had DID & she had dreams that she murdered someone when the murder was actually real & she got really scared & thought she was psychic. She was sent to Dr. Lightman who realized that she had multiple personalities. One of them was a prostitute, and this other one she was a guy. & the guy part was actually her defensive side that couldn't talk but he would just protect the other identities & at the end they realized that she was the one that actually killed someone in her other identity. Crazy stuff :O
I would be so scared if I had DID :/ The mom of Sybil is INSANE. First off, why would the husband marry this woman? I mean, I find it really hard to find that he wouldn't notice that she's a little bit weird. Second off, how could he have sex with her? O_O She's not very attractive. Anyway, it's sad how having a neurological disorder can set off generations and generations of other disorders. I'm guessing Sybil's grandma on her mother's side also had some kind of problem that could have triggered this kind of abuse.
I don't have multiple personalities, but I just act differently around different people. Sometimes I regress, but not to the point where I'm a complete baby. I tend to just grab a stuffed animal and just sit & stay silent & cry when I'm sad. I don't know if that's weird, but that's just how I cope. & I remember this one time I was really pissed off at night at my sister so I got up, stood next to her bed, & stared at her & told her I was going to kill her in her sleep. I don't know..sometimes I scare myself. But I mean, I got over that phase & I guess I'm a little better now at dealing with my emotions. Hopefully I learn how to not only stop hurting everyone but even myself.

1 comment:

  1. You will have to find healthy ways to deal with your emotions: try working out, dancing, journaling...
