Saturday, March 5, 2011


There's a rejection number if you ever need it (; Anyway.
I've been rejected before, but it didn't hurt that bad. I've rejected plenty before. I remember this one guy Vince tried to get at me. I knew him for day & in history he texted me saying ' what if i said i was feelin you ? '. I was so..shocked. I didn't even know him and he said he was interested in me? I never even met him before in my life, in person, or even talked on the phone with me. I thought that was pretty desperate, trying to act like a player when he doesn't have any game. So I said I wasn't interested in Christy's ex's because he was one of her ex boyfriends and he became a jerk towards me after that. He said he wasn't tripping, but if you say that, that obviously means you are. -_- stupid boy.
OH. I bought this book called "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps" & it's pretty much how men and women are different, and that in order to have a good relationship you need to understand that it isn't the other person's fault that girl's suck at driving or why men can't understand why you're not supposed to call girl's fat. So in the book, it said that women have a hard time parking because they have bad perception and trouble measuring distance because our female ancestors had to forage and look for food, which was close up. They didn't need to look at how far they needed to through a spear to kill, so that's why men have better driving skills than women. & it also said that women are good lie detectors because women have always been used socially and for families, so it was always their job to see when something is wrong. Women are better at detecting different tone of voices and can hear a baby crying in the night when they're sound asleep because it's in their brain. Guys, however, don't wake up to the cry of a baby but will wake up to a snap of a branch outside because it triggers their defense part of the brain. & guys have tunnel vision, which is why it's so hard for them to find stuff in the fridge when it's right there. Women have wider peripherals, so that's why women can check out guys without being obvious.
SO YEAH. I'm on page 45 I think. :)
Tiffany Liu says "HI MRS.HUNTER!" because I'm at her house to help her with her campaign(:

This was in the book :)))))))))

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very interesting book! I'm not sure what your aspirations are...but buying a book like that is definitely a quality of an MFT. =)

    Please tell Tiffany I say, "HI, TIFFANY!"
