Saturday, October 9, 2010


We all have it. As humans we are bound to see others the way we want to, whether based on how we were raised or by experiene. In class we focused mainly on and prejudice, a highly discussed topic in today's society. & as sad as it sounds, we are all racist and prejudice, even in the slightest ways.
You could say I am racist. I know my grandma is. Just a few minutes ago, my grandma picked me up from chinese school. We made a right turn and as soon as we did we were confronted with a road block. Two cars were in the middle of the road, horizontal as to make a wall. They were both apparently trying to make a turn. As stupid as that move was, it was night so we couldn't see the drivers. My grandma automatcially assumed they were indian because we were in Little India.  That could have been a likely possiblity, but as soon as she started saying how stupid indians were at driving, I got a little disappointed. I thought she would be mature enough as to not jump to conclusions the way she did. She didn't know for sure that they were Indian. They could have been Chinese, Caucasian, or African.
My mother is another case of being racist and prejudice. Whenever African Americans, Hispanics, Indians, or homosexuals are brought up, my mother automatically looks down on them. If I have any friends that are what I listed above, she automatically thinks the worse. If I watch a show consisting of mainly African Americans, she makes me change the channel because its a 'bad influence.' I was watching Modern Family a few months ago, and they showed a gay couple. My mother told me to change the channel, and when I questioned her action she said that it was a bad influence and I shouldn't be watching it. She went even further as to say that the Bible says that we should homosexuals. I stayed up for a few hours on Google looking for answers as to see if this was true. The Bible states that we are to love everyone, despite their actions and sins. Christians DO NOT gay people. That is a common misconception. However, the Bible states as to not act upon gay intentions such as sleeping with another man if you are a man, and vice versa for the other gender. I think this is fair because our bodies are created for a man and woman, not for a man and man. But that's another story.
I am racist too. I have an issue with Indians. Not that I don't like them, but I just feel weird around them. I know this is wrong, and I have tried to change my attitude.
We did an activity in class about listing all the things we thought about certain people. I admit I went overboard. For a while, there was a thrill in making fun of others because it made me feel better.  Then I realized I was going back to my bully stage( which started in around 6th grade) , & I later stopped.
Whenever people say racist things, I always tell them to stop. I tell them that is wrong because it is. & they need to know that. I sometimes tell racist jokes, and even though I don't mean it, my words could hurt someone.   I get really offended when people say 'oh she's black she must be stupid', or other racist things. I know what it's like to be judged without other people knowing me.
Lots of people think I'm a stupid shallow bitch because of my appearance. I am anything but that. & I find it so...funny how people think they're so cool when they judge people like that when in reality they're just ignorant, immature people. Our generation is a really horrible one, and I hope people realize it and try to help us. God knows we need it.

1 comment:

  1. I find it hard to believe that you are stereotyped in such a negative light. Everytime I scan the class, I never fail to see you at full attention. I can tell that you are really processing everything that's going on, and I am quick to note that you have a caring personality and usually have some type of emotion on your face (as opposed to a blank stare). That's must my point of view. =)
