Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm tired.

I wasn't sure if there was an entry this week but I'll do one anyway just in case. I can't afford to lose points now with my B T_T.
But I really am tired. I'm tired of the lack of sleep. I'm tired of school. I'm tired of just everyone. I just want a day to have to myself, not to worry about college or SAT's or my GPA.
Everything's so stressful. What's ironic is how school teaches us how to excel in life for a future yet they're killing us at the same time with the homework and tests because stress leads to a greater risk of heart disease. I found that crudely humorous in my own little world.
Lately, I've noticed that when I'm stressed I get really moody and I don't eat. I just work, work, work. & my sleep schedule's been way off, messing with my circadian rhythm. I just wish things would go back to the way they once were with the carefree little me.
I really liked the little gender game thing. I forgot what it was called, but a lot of people that had relatives of the opposite gender or a girlfriend/boyfriend knew more of the answers, which is obvious, but a lot of people don't really get exposed to the 'other world' so they didn't know a lot. Kinda funny how men and women consider different qualities more important than others. We're always judged on our appearance, even though people say that they look at personality. I mean, it's not their fault. They just want the best kill, in caveman words. A trophy.
Anyway. Not much to think about right now. I'm super tired, after spending 3 hours building my new closet & shelves(: Success!

1 comment:

  1. It's very natural to get moody when you are stressed....your body is trying to tell you to relax!
    Good job on your new shelves!
