Saturday, February 19, 2011


SO . Hm . This week I remembered the taste aversion concept because of cup noodles! So I had to go to this connection center thing & I bought cup noodles BUT THEY HAD NO MORE HOT WATER so I microwaved it ( I know, bad for my health ) & it didn't even cook. -_- So when I went to the presentation I was just sitting there with this cup of cup noodles which I DIDN'T WANT TO EAT because it was cold & soggy. Then later that day my stomach really started hurting and during 7th period I told my table about it & my liver area started to hurt. Not fun at all -_- So I've decided to stay away from cup noodles because I don't want pain again.
AND I did a little conditioning today(: Not on purpose though! My family & I were standing in line at Hometown Buffet and I smacked my sister & she flinched and later when I rubbed my eye she flinched again. So my response was " WHAT THE HECK ", & I was like what's wrong with you. She said she thought I was going to hit her -_- . So the unconditioned stimulus was me hitting her, the unconditioned response was flinching. The conditioned stimulus was raising my hand, & the conditioned response was flinching.
You know how in class we had to do those like creative intelligence tests that measured our music IQ, our artistic IQ & stuff ? I thought that was really cool(: I had like the same scores for all of them & I got a 1 or 2 on the math/science IQ test & the intrapersonal one d:
I forgot what the word requirement was D: was it 250 or 350 ? :o I think I passed the 250 one so yeah I'm believe I'm done now :)

1 comment:

  1. That was the best potato presentation I've ever seen. I'm so impressed you guys took the time to do so much with a potato!
