Saturday, December 11, 2010


We all have one, each & every one of us.
I loved this chapter because we got to learn about our own personalities and the different things that are associated with them. Its like experimenting on ourselves!
I like how the first thing we did was draw a pig. (: The pig drawing activity was actually pretty right, although that's up for debate on the accuracy of it. I drew the pig pretty realistically with detail, with big ears, & towards the middle of the paper facing left. This meant that I was a very open eared person, that I like to listen to people's problems. & I really do actually ! I like helping people out because it gives me a sense of completion & worthiness, like I've actually changed someone's life.
On the project assignment sheet, I saw that we had to look up our 4 letter personality , & I already know what mine is. It's ENTJ , which means extroverted intuitive thinking judging. I took this test during my academy's college counseling, & that's when it said I should look into business as a career. I'm not sure if I'm still an ENTJ, but we'll see when I take the test again. ENTJ's are natural born leaders, very work focused, have very little patience, and are primarily happier in groups. That's totally me. My college counselor at academy was an INTJ, & the only difference was that she was happier being independent than in a group.
Another thing that I thought was really interesting was the thing about finding & using all your potential(it was self-something). I don't have my notes :/ Some people were like Gandhi & Martin Luther King Jr. I really wish I could be like them, for that's what I strive to be. I would love to be able to use my full potential to become someone great, to not worry about what others think about me & to do my own thing. But I also learned that there are a lot of factors that would hinder the ability to reach this stage, such as being put down alot during childhood. That's me. I have a really low self esteem, so I always worry if I'm ever going to be good enough. I'll try to overcome the obstacles that stand in my way & try to be the best that I can be, because when I do, I'll go places. I'll be famous. I'll be happy.

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