Sunday, November 14, 2010


This week we learned about illusions, and I thought it was really interesting how we can trick our brains into thinking something that isn't true.
Truth is, we can't trust what we see.
& that applies to a lot of the world today: people always judge on looks. There's that saying: Never judge a book by its cover. & that is so true because after learning how easy it is to trick our brain to seeing something completely different, we can't always judge on our sight to help us making inferences to people or things.
The illusions that we looked at tricked our brains to thinking something else. One of the illusions was the Cafe Wall illusion, which is the picture where there horizontal lines seem diagonal when in reality they are parallel. We are tricked by the mere placing of the squares to think that parallel lines are not parallel at all.
So how can we trust what we see in others if we cannot see the truth in a picture?
We can't.
People need to start learning how to judge people not based on looks, but analyzing their characteristics and personality.
A few days ago I was talking to a senior on Facebook. He said this :haha and you're not as intimidating/scary as everyone makes u seem :]
I was shocked. People didn't talk to me or treat me nicely because they thought I was scary looking. & then I felt so bad for these people. They make up rumors about me when they don't know me. It really opened my eyes to how immature people can be.
I used to judge people on their looks, but that was a while ago. I grew up because I knew what it felt like to be completely isolated just because people thought something about me based on my looks, & not who I really was. It hurt a lot, but now I know it's not my fault. It's because people refuse to grow up. Maybe it's because they're afraid to confront their own reality and instead compensate for their inabilities by concluding their assumptions on physical appearance. 
Your eyes can be so easily tricked by a simple rearranging of things. So don't judge a book by its cover, or you'll be in for the surprise of your life.

1 comment:

  1. What a great reflection, Tiffany (By the way, I always take late work, but it's half credit). Yes, people are very shallow in that way: we judge so quickly based on just appearances. What a shame.
